Not only have you almost completely decimated both of my grandparents and damaged two of my uncles, but now you are moving on to my aunt. Really? I don't understand you and how you choose individuals to "attack". I don't understand why you want to destroy families and not have a care in the world about what you are doing.
My uncle (my dad's sister's husband) was diagnosed with cancer years ago. I don't remember what kind, I'm sure you do though you evil cancer. They cut him open and told him there was nothing that they could do, that he would die. That was it, it was that cut and dry. Thankfully, the doctors were wrong and somehow, miraculously, my uncle's cancer disappeared and he is still with us today. Thank you cancer for giving us a break with him.
My grandmother has been nothing but a great Christian woman, mother, and grandmother, and yet, you continue to affect her. You give her breast cancer to where she has to have one breast removed and several lymph nodes. Then you put two tumors in her brain. Then you put tumors in both of her ovaries and a spot in her stomach. Have you not done enough? Can you not just leave it at that and consider it a "done" job? Just leave her alone will you? Please?
My grandfather fought for his country and provided for his children. He got diagnosed with colon cancer and has never been the same since. What deemed him as a person to receive cancer? Why did you have to pick him when his wife was already struggling?
Then you move onto my grandparents son. He received his diagnosis at the same time as my grandfather. Do you see this as "perfect timing", cancer? Did you not think that the family had already been through enough? You didn't care, you just kept on with your destruction.
Now you are choosing to attack my aunt on the other side of my family. The aunt that I am closest to. The aunt that will answer her phone at anytime that I need her. You can't let me live in peace, can you cancer? You have to keep eating away at me just like you do your victims huh? Do you not realize that you are creating multiple victims? I guess you do, you just don't give a damn.
When are you going to stop? Are you ever going to give up? Can you please stop ripping my family to shreds? Please, I am begging you.
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