My drug addict and dealer neighbor at the time shot and poisoned him so he had no hope at survival. I hate that this had to happen and that it had to happen on a holiday and set the tone for the New Year, but I won't let it bring me down this year. I'm supposed to be graduating with my 2 year degree in Criminal Justice, so good things should be happening for us. I'm not generally optimistic, I actually call myself a realist, but I really believe, or hope anyways, that this is our year. Last but not least, here is a picture of our precious boy Cash, who will forever live in our hearts.

Friday, December 31, 2010
New Years Eve; It's Bittersweet
We decided to start a family tradition and we ordered Chinese. We had a big fight over the fortune cookies, but I ended up getting one, Phoenix ended up getting two. Today is bitter sweet. I'm glad the year is over. It's been beyond terrible. It started off miserable, but is some how, miraculously ending great. Our mini dachshund Cash who was only 2 years old died on New Years Day this year and today Jer was offered 3 new jobs, which is truly a miracle, and I don't believe in miracles. I'm glad for Jer and our family that we will start the new year fresh, with new job hours, so no more of this 3rd shit BS. On the other hand, I will always miss Cash and will never forget him and how he died.
My drug addict and dealer neighbor at the time shot and poisoned him so he had no hope at survival. I hate that this had to happen and that it had to happen on a holiday and set the tone for the New Year, but I won't let it bring me down this year. I'm supposed to be graduating with my 2 year degree in Criminal Justice, so good things should be happening for us. I'm not generally optimistic, I actually call myself a realist, but I really believe, or hope anyways, that this is our year. Last but not least, here is a picture of our precious boy Cash, who will forever live in our hearts.
My drug addict and dealer neighbor at the time shot and poisoned him so he had no hope at survival. I hate that this had to happen and that it had to happen on a holiday and set the tone for the New Year, but I won't let it bring me down this year. I'm supposed to be graduating with my 2 year degree in Criminal Justice, so good things should be happening for us. I'm not generally optimistic, I actually call myself a realist, but I really believe, or hope anyways, that this is our year. Last but not least, here is a picture of our precious boy Cash, who will forever live in our hearts.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The End Result Of "The Haircut"
Well, I no longer have a toddler, I have a big girl. This can be a good or a bad thing, I haven't decided which yet, but at least she looks adorable. She was awesome while getting her haircut and LOVED staring at herself in the mirror. She did get freaked out when he would spray her with water or she would see the curling iron he was using smoke, but all in all, everything turned out great. It is a little shorter than we had imagined but it needed to be that way to get rid of all the tangles and curly parts. Now onto the pictures, please ignore the fact that they aren't fantastic since it is hard to take pictures with a little munchkin wearing butterfly wings. :o)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wrap It Up Wednesday
This week is dedicated to my most favorite rapper in the entire world...50 cent! Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Last Day With Long Hair
Tomorrow, Phoenix will get her first hair cut, hopefully anyways. I made the appointment and hopefully everything will go smoothly. I have called in my reinforcements, aka Ashleigh and Brinkley to come be distractions. I know you're thinking "She's just getting her hair cut, it's not surgery," but to Phoenix, it is. She's almost deathly afraid of brushes or anybody touching her hair. Because of this fact and because I am tired of spending 30 minutes on her hair getting the tangles out every shower, we decided it was time to take the plunge and get her hair cut. Say good bye to the long haired beauty. Tomorrow she will be a different young lady.
Monday, December 27, 2010
I'm Addicted!
To reading that is, now don't freak out and start rumors about me. :o) Ever since I received my E Book Reader which is like the ghetto version of a Kindle or a Nook, I have been reading up a storm. I have tried to find some kind of gadget to put at the side of my blog that will tell visitors what I am currently reading, but I have yet to be successful in the venture.
I just finished reading:
To be honest, I wasn't very impressed. I have somewhat of an obsession with reading autobiographies, especially celebrity ones, but this one just seemed like a repeat and a more politically correct version of the former porn star Jenna Jameson's How To Make Love Like A Porn Star's autobiography. The book was missing something, but I just can't put my finger on what it was missing. Apparently I liked something about it because I finished it within hours, but I've definitely read better books.
I've been working on reading:
Even though I never read the other books, I still want to read this book, it is just so intimidating to me with it's thickness of pages. I've read a little bit and hope to finish it before the first movie comes out in November of 2001. :o) Wish me luck!
If you have any recommendation of books I should be reading, please let me know. I prefer anything about celebrities, interesting autobiographies, horror, or thriller books.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
White Christmas 2010
All in all I think we wound up with around 9 inches of snow. It's pretty, it's a miracle, whatever, can it please melt already so we can get out of the driveway now? :o)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
It's Christmas!
And we have SNOW! Lots and lots of snow. To the point that hopefully this blog will post since I have a feeling we are going to be losing power since it keeps flickering. They are calling for around 6-12 inches and for it to continue snowing well into tomorrow. I'm ready for it to be over with, but that's just me.
This was Phoenix's first year to really understand Santa and I don't know if it's because she's a teenager in the morning, or because she was freaked out that a "stranger" came into her house to give her presents, but she wasn't very impressed at first. She didn't really want to touch the presents and couldn't understand how they got under the tree. Eventually she started opening presents, thank goodness. She definitely doesn't feel good today and stayed home, while I went alone to Christmas Dinner at my sister's.
Now onto what we received. I wish I had pictures, but it really slipped my mind, so all I have is a mental list. Sorry!
3 things of Toblerone chocolates
A scarf
Long tan boots
Short gray boots
Over mit-we lost ours in the move
A gift certificate for a free hair cut-this is much needed
A KEURIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Several movies
Knife set
Lottery tickets
Nintendo DS XL
Tons of DS games
4 movies
Build A Bear she can make herself (with help of course)
A tool kit
Soccer cleats
Long tan boots
Backyardigans blanket
A gift certificate for her first ever hair cut-also much needed
Fushigi-or Super Magic Gravity Ball, as she calls it
M & M's
ZhuZhu pet
A set of cars
Stuffed animals
Dr. Seuss book
That's all I can think of for now and we still haven't had Christmas with my dad yet. We were definitely spoiled this year!
This was Phoenix's first year to really understand Santa and I don't know if it's because she's a teenager in the morning, or because she was freaked out that a "stranger" came into her house to give her presents, but she wasn't very impressed at first. She didn't really want to touch the presents and couldn't understand how they got under the tree. Eventually she started opening presents, thank goodness. She definitely doesn't feel good today and stayed home, while I went alone to Christmas Dinner at my sister's.
Now onto what we received. I wish I had pictures, but it really slipped my mind, so all I have is a mental list. Sorry!
3 things of Toblerone chocolates
A scarf
Long tan boots
Short gray boots
Over mit-we lost ours in the move
A gift certificate for a free hair cut-this is much needed
A KEURIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Several movies
Knife set
Lottery tickets
Nintendo DS XL
Tons of DS games
4 movies
Build A Bear she can make herself (with help of course)
A tool kit
Soccer cleats
Long tan boots
Backyardigans blanket
A gift certificate for her first ever hair cut-also much needed
Fushigi-or Super Magic Gravity Ball, as she calls it
M & M's
ZhuZhu pet
A set of cars
Stuffed animals
Dr. Seuss book
That's all I can think of for now and we still haven't had Christmas with my dad yet. We were definitely spoiled this year!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Bronchitis Eve
So, Phoenix has been coughing off and on all week but it we weren't very worried since the cough would only appear about every other day. Last night she was coughing in her sleep and it sounded like she was choking so I frantically called Jer's work to have him come home. That was a job in itself. I called his work around 45 times and somebody picked up only twice; once I was left on hold for 10 minutes, and the other time I finally got to talk to him.
Well, come to find out she has a "pretty bad case of Bronchitis" the Dr. said and that if she isn't close to a humidifier, it will turn into Pneumonia. This scares us because Phoenix has rarely been sick in her 4 years of life. She also HATES to take medicine. We finally got her to take the medicine, then about an hour later she threw up basically on me. :o( What a bad start to such a fun, cheerful, and happy holiday. She seems to have already started to feel some better which is a great relief.
We did "Christmas" tonight with my mom and stepdad, my sister and brother in law, and their two daughters, but I will list what everybody received tomorrow. Tonight I will leave you with a picture of my Princess in hopes that she feels like this tomorrow for Santa.
Well, come to find out she has a "pretty bad case of Bronchitis" the Dr. said and that if she isn't close to a humidifier, it will turn into Pneumonia. This scares us because Phoenix has rarely been sick in her 4 years of life. She also HATES to take medicine. We finally got her to take the medicine, then about an hour later she threw up basically on me. :o( What a bad start to such a fun, cheerful, and happy holiday. She seems to have already started to feel some better which is a great relief.
We did "Christmas" tonight with my mom and stepdad, my sister and brother in law, and their two daughters, but I will list what everybody received tomorrow. Tonight I will leave you with a picture of my Princess in hopes that she feels like this tomorrow for Santa.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Biltmore House
This week, my mom, sister, my two nieces, and I took a trip to the Biltmore House in Asheville, N.C. for Christmas. My sister and nieces have been there several times. My mom had never been, and I have only been there once and that was during Easter. It was definitely beautiful since it was all decorated for Christmas, but MAN was it jam packed. Especially with schools on field trips. What school plans a field trip the week of Christmas? That should be illegal.
We ate at a restaurant on site, I can't think of the name, but being a picky eater I wasn't very excited. My sister made me try new foods, and they didn't kill me so I guess I survived, however, I will never be eating them again. They also served me the teeny tiniest hot chocolate I have ever seen. I decided to drink it like I was drinking tea with my pinky finger out, which caused my nieces to laugh hysterically, which caused me so almost choke to death. I will not be trying that out again either.
After the Biltmore House, and the fantastic eating experience, we went to the mall for some last minute Christmas shopping. The following are pictures from our journey:
We ate at a restaurant on site, I can't think of the name, but being a picky eater I wasn't very excited. My sister made me try new foods, and they didn't kill me so I guess I survived, however, I will never be eating them again. They also served me the teeny tiniest hot chocolate I have ever seen. I decided to drink it like I was drinking tea with my pinky finger out, which caused my nieces to laugh hysterically, which caused me so almost choke to death. I will not be trying that out again either.
After the Biltmore House, and the fantastic eating experience, we went to the mall for some last minute Christmas shopping. The following are pictures from our journey:
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Screw You Cancer!
Not only have you almost completely decimated both of my grandparents and damaged two of my uncles, but now you are moving on to my aunt. Really? I don't understand you and how you choose individuals to "attack". I don't understand why you want to destroy families and not have a care in the world about what you are doing.
My uncle (my dad's sister's husband) was diagnosed with cancer years ago. I don't remember what kind, I'm sure you do though you evil cancer. They cut him open and told him there was nothing that they could do, that he would die. That was it, it was that cut and dry. Thankfully, the doctors were wrong and somehow, miraculously, my uncle's cancer disappeared and he is still with us today. Thank you cancer for giving us a break with him.
My grandmother has been nothing but a great Christian woman, mother, and grandmother, and yet, you continue to affect her. You give her breast cancer to where she has to have one breast removed and several lymph nodes. Then you put two tumors in her brain. Then you put tumors in both of her ovaries and a spot in her stomach. Have you not done enough? Can you not just leave it at that and consider it a "done" job? Just leave her alone will you? Please?
My grandfather fought for his country and provided for his children. He got diagnosed with colon cancer and has never been the same since. What deemed him as a person to receive cancer? Why did you have to pick him when his wife was already struggling?
Then you move onto my grandparents son. He received his diagnosis at the same time as my grandfather. Do you see this as "perfect timing", cancer? Did you not think that the family had already been through enough? You didn't care, you just kept on with your destruction.
Now you are choosing to attack my aunt on the other side of my family. The aunt that I am closest to. The aunt that will answer her phone at anytime that I need her. You can't let me live in peace, can you cancer? You have to keep eating away at me just like you do your victims huh? Do you not realize that you are creating multiple victims? I guess you do, you just don't give a damn.
When are you going to stop? Are you ever going to give up? Can you please stop ripping my family to shreds? Please, I am begging you.
My uncle (my dad's sister's husband) was diagnosed with cancer years ago. I don't remember what kind, I'm sure you do though you evil cancer. They cut him open and told him there was nothing that they could do, that he would die. That was it, it was that cut and dry. Thankfully, the doctors were wrong and somehow, miraculously, my uncle's cancer disappeared and he is still with us today. Thank you cancer for giving us a break with him.
My grandmother has been nothing but a great Christian woman, mother, and grandmother, and yet, you continue to affect her. You give her breast cancer to where she has to have one breast removed and several lymph nodes. Then you put two tumors in her brain. Then you put tumors in both of her ovaries and a spot in her stomach. Have you not done enough? Can you not just leave it at that and consider it a "done" job? Just leave her alone will you? Please?
My grandfather fought for his country and provided for his children. He got diagnosed with colon cancer and has never been the same since. What deemed him as a person to receive cancer? Why did you have to pick him when his wife was already struggling?
Then you move onto my grandparents son. He received his diagnosis at the same time as my grandfather. Do you see this as "perfect timing", cancer? Did you not think that the family had already been through enough? You didn't care, you just kept on with your destruction.
Now you are choosing to attack my aunt on the other side of my family. The aunt that I am closest to. The aunt that will answer her phone at anytime that I need her. You can't let me live in peace, can you cancer? You have to keep eating away at me just like you do your victims huh? Do you not realize that you are creating multiple victims? I guess you do, you just don't give a damn.
When are you going to stop? Are you ever going to give up? Can you please stop ripping my family to shreds? Please, I am begging you.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sandie is my beloved friend of a few years.
We are the same person in many ways. Same temperament, same attitude, and sometimes we are too similar. We are either you "love us or hate us" types of people and I definitely love her. One time she hated me for no reason, but we got over that soon enough. It's a woman thing, we all do it. I miss seeing her everyday at work and listening to her laugh and her funny stories. Maybe we can see each other again soon. When we both get enough money to go out to eat. haha. Love you! :o)
I went to school with Rachel, but we weren't really close which is a pure shame. You can't change the past, you have to work towards the future and that's what we are doing with our friendship.
Rachel was there when I needed help with Spanish. Who volunteers to help with that? Only Rachel; I can testify to that. Who is there to talk to me in the wee hours of the morn? Rachel. Who gave me the courage to get the tattoo I always wanted? Rachel. I don't think she knows how much she inspires me or how much she helps me keep on keeping on, but even our little Facebook chats help in some strange way. Hopefully we can get our girls together soon for a play date!
On the surface, Ashley is my Criminal Justice instructor and advisor.
But really to me she is not only a teacher, but somebody that I can call on when I am confused, upset, or just stressed to the max. I have never once been turned down by Ashley when I have needed help. She also hates when I say the word "annoying" because I think I annoy her when I ask her so many things. It is hard these days to bond with people, but I sure have found a bond with Ashley. We both have daughters, and she is an excellent mother who works hard to give her daughter everything she possibly can. How can I not admire that? Ashley is a fantastic example of a great person, and I always worry about letting her down, and then she tells me to be quiet and to not even think about that. Now that is a true friend!
Next is Sarah, my friend and used to be neighbor.
Sarah is a wonderful mother to a son and a daughter ages 3 and under. She understands me and my life in ways that many people don't. We both have children that do things at their own pace instead of the pace of "cookie cutter" children and we have gotten a lot of flack for it. We have been each other's leaning posts and have helped each other through the tough times, the sad times, and the times we didn't think we could make it through it. It is so weird how similar our stories are, even though we are very different people. We used to be neighbors, but we had to move. It was a good, but sad move for us. But we should totally take the time to see each other more. Hope you enjoy this dedicated to you. I put my heart into it. :o)
Aunt Donna
Now we move on to my Aunt Donna. She is my favorite Aunt and the most involved Aunt in my life.
She is always one phone call away, no matter the time of day, even when I forget that not everybody is awake at 3am, Donna will answer her phone and talk to me. She is also a fantastic babysitter and even begs to babysit more. Phoenix, my daughter absolutely adores her and I'm so glad that she can be around somebody that loves her so much. She has a little chihuahua named Tinkerbell who is her best friend. She is also the master of any Farmville games, especially Candy Shop. I can't count on my hands the number of times I have had to call her to ask her for advice on my Candy Shop, so I call her my Candy Shop Supervisor. Donna, thank you for everything you do for us and for always having an ear ready to listen. You are always positive and always there. We thank you for that!
This blog post is dedicated to the cutest and Asian that I know, Mr. Eric.
I have not known Eric very long, but I met him through my niece Ashleigh as he is her best friend. Any friend of Ashleigh is a friend of mine. Eric has taught me that you can buy earings that look like you have "big gauges" in your ears or "plugs", so we now have the same earrings. He has also introduced me to Thai food. He doesn't like the movie Get Him To The Greek other than the part where P. Diddy says in a text message "Where in the eff are you? I'm going to kill you! :) (smiley face). Eric also has the funniest pictures in the world, I mean who can look any cuter or funnier just petting a horse? So, Eric, this is your gift, I hope you enjoy, and come by the house anytime you wish, as we always enjoy your company!
Mrs. Allen
I accepted this forward on Facebook that said we had to make something for the first five people that responded. I am not a very creative person as I cannot sing, draw, knit, sew, crochet, etc., so I decided that I would dedicate a blog post to each person, and it just so happens I will have to do it for eight people actually, but that is fine with me. This blog post is dedicated to Mrs. Allen.
I have known her for years as her youngest daughter and I have been friends for years. She was also my most favorite English teacher in the whole wide world. She is always there for advice, for a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on. When I need help with college homework, she is only a Facebook message or an e-mail away. They say some people are put into your life for a reason and I truly believe Mrs. Allen is one of those people. I know that 20 years from now I could always call on her and she would do whatever she could for me. So, Mrs. Allen, thank you for being a fantastic teacher, a wonderful friend, and an admirable mentor. I love you!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Wishing
I thought I would spend today thinking about what I would love to get for Christmas, even if it is wishing, I think it will be fun. First off:
I would kill for a Keurig. Okay not really kill. but close. :o)
I would LOVE to have an Ipad, but who wouldn't?
Or a new pink laptop.
This new cell phone since my new one only weighs an ounce & I can barely see the screen.
An iced coffee frappe maker.
An Ipod dock, so I can jam out at home.
A kindle, just because.
My other tragus pierced.
That's it with the wishing for now. I'm sure I won't get any of these things, but that is quite alright with me as I didn't ask for any of them. I just kept them to myself. :o)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
An Ordinary Day
Today isn't much to brag about. I ate. I worked. I worked late. My cell phone snapped in half because it's (or it was) a piece of crap. I went and got a cheap replacement that I hate. I waited on hold for over an hour with StraightTalk and still had to change my phone number. I then went out to eat with Ashleigh. We then picked up Eric for a sleepover and are now watching Get Him To The Greek. Pretty average, boring day huh? I think so. Sorry to bore you. The following is how I felt all day:
Friday, December 17, 2010
I'm An Idiot
So tonight I was really excited to get out of the house after having such a stressful week. Apparently I was so excited that I forgot to put my shoes on and wore my brown slippers that ARE NOT suitable for wearing out side of the house. Attached is a picture of the monstrosity. And yes, they make my feet look like the size of a whale.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Who Does Phoenix Look Like?
Everybody always says she looks like me, and I always disagree and say she looks like Jer. You be the judge.
Me & Phoenix
This is the most recent and best picture I have of Jer & Phoenix
So what do you think? I think she is a mix of us both!
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