Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lack Of Inspiration

I wouldn't necessarily say I have a lack of inspiration already with this blog, but I will say that I struggle a little bit more every day to think of interesting and intriguing things to write about. I don't want to get too personal, but I don't want to live a double life from my blog either.

It is also very important to me, for some reason, to never miss a day in blogging. I haven't so far and I am very proud of myself for that. There have been some days that I just didn't really want to do it, or couldn't think of anything to write about, but somehow I pushed through, just as I am doing now, except now I am writing about having nothing to write about. You still following me? I'm not a creative or very motivated person with things that I am not REQUIRED to do, so following through with this blog and writing everyday on my own accord is awesome I think.

It's January, things are dull, mundane, and not so great, but they will get better with time, I just know it. I start back to college again soon, which will be good for my spirit, other than the fact that I have to take a class in public speaking. Yes, you might as well just go ahead and kill me now. I hate speaking and I hate speaking in public so I couldn't be anymore opposite of the class, but it is a must, so I will take it and I shall succeed in it.

So lack of inspiration, please go away. Please grant me with lots of ideas and things to write about. If anybody has any ideas, I'm game.

I will leave you with a funny quote by my man Weezy- "Life is a beach, I'm just playin' in the sand."

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I have so much I want to blog about and other times the thought of blogging turns my stomach. I love top 10 blogs. Top 10 moments in my life, top 10 things I love about-------, or 10 things I hate about---------. I love reading so don't stop now!
