Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Don't Watch Sports

Am I the only person on the planet that doesn't watch sports, or isn't invested in a certain sport or sports team?  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, but I'm beginning to think I'm the only non sports person on the planet.

There are days when my Facebook is completely overloaded with game jargon which then makes my brain completely overloaded because I don't understand what people are saying or what in the world is going on.  As a kid I played T-Ball and some softball, but that's about it.  I always wanted to play soccer but that never happened. 

Nowadays, I'm bored to tears if I am forced to watch the Superbowl or watch football around the holidays.  I've never understood basketball. I can tolerate baseball.  I enjoy watching my niece play soccer, when the season rolls around, and I like watching my other niece pole vault, but that's the closest you will ever find me near a sport, other than when Phoenix starts playing soccer in the Spring. 

I guess I am lucky that Jer isn't a sports fan.  He is a die hard Red Sox fan, but I guess he loves me enough not to make me suffer through watching them with him. :o) Even though I am not a die hard sports fan, I will still give Phoenix every opportunity to play any sport that she wishes.  I think it is very important to give children experiences and let them "test the waters" with activities.  I will just keep my bah humbug sports attitude to myself.

1 comment:

  1. You never told me that you wanted to play soccer when you were young. Maybe you can find an adult team around here to play with. That would be one of your dreams completed!!! LOL

